Guiding Innovation

Simplifying Complexity

Innovisar AI Consulting Logo

Welcome to Innovisar – Guiding Your Path to AI

Hi, I’m Marc Mennigmann. Welcome to Innovisar, where we’ll explore the possibilities of artificial intelligence. Whether you’re curious about what AI can do for your business or ready to dive right in, I’m here to guide you. ‘Innovisar’ is all about innovative thinking and clear guidance, and that’s exactly what I offer. No jargon, no complexity—just practical insights and personalized support to help you succeed with AI.

Free 30 Minutes Consultation

I’m offering a free 30 minute consultation to find out how your business can benefit from AI. Just contact me and we’ll schedule a call…

What does Innovisar mean?

The name ‘Innovisar’ embodies my approach to embracing AI, blending innovation with guidance. ‘Innov-‘ signifies a dedication to creative, technological solutions, while ‘-isar’ emphasizes the clarity and visualization I provide in navigating AI’s complexities. Innovisar is more than a name; it’s my commitment to your success.

Whether simplifying intricate workflows or exploring new potentials, I stand ready to offer a unique, insightful, and transformative experience. With Innovisar, you’re not navigating the future alone. You have the guidance of a seasoned entrepreneur who has charted these waters before.

AI Demystified – Making Sense of AI

AI can be a tough nut to crack, but it doesn’t have to be. I’m all about breaking down those confusing barriers and making AI something you can actually use. Together, we’ll take those big, complicated ideas and turn them into strategies that make sense for your business. No need to fear the jargon or get lost in the technicalities like “what is AI“, “what is generative AI” or “where are the differences between ChatGPT and Google AI“? I’m here to guide you through it all, translating AI into real, practical solutions. It’s about understanding and action, and I’m with you every step of the way.

How Innovisar can transform your Key Business Operations:

Email Workflow

Streamlining email processes for more efficient communication.

Project Management

Implementing AI-driven solutions to enhance project tracking and collaboration.

Customer Support

Integrating AI chatbots to improve response times and customer satisfaction.

Supply Chain Optimization

Applying AI analytics to optimize inventory management and reduce costs.

Human Resources Automation

Utilizing AI to automate repetitive HR tasks, such as recruitment screening.

Marketing Insights

Leveraging AI to analyze customer behaviour, enabling more targeted marketing strategies.

Why AI Matters in Your Everyday Business

You might have noticed the buzz around AI, and there’s a good reason for it. AI is here to stay, and it’s already making waves in the business world. Many businesses and entrepreneurs have started to use AI, finding ways to get more done in less time. It’s not just about efficiency; it’s about gaining a significant advantage in competitiveness. By using AI, they’re staying ahead of the curve, and you can too. But don’t worry if it all sounds a bit overwhelming; that’s where I come in. At Innovisar, we’ll explore how AI fits into your specific situation, whether it’s streamlining daily tasks or unlocking new opportunities. It’s not about following a trend; it’s about understanding how AI can genuinely work for you. Let’s explore what’s possible together, and make sure you’re not left behind in this rapidly advancing field.

Meet Marc Mennigmann, Your Personal AI Coach

Marc Mennigmann, founder of Innovisar, brings four decades of entrepreneurial excellence and a profound understanding of artificial intelligence. One of Marc’s standout skills is his ability to analyze and understand complex workflows within a company. With a keen eye for detail, he finds ways to make them more comprehensible, bulletproof, and less prone to errors. This unique talent, combined with a history of founding thriving companies and a passion for technological innovation, empowers Marc to offer personalized consultations. Through Innovisar, he helps entrepreneurs leverage AI to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and innovate in their respective fields. Whether you’re a self-employed individual looking to modernize your daily workload or a larger company aiming to restructure internal and external workflows, Marc’s expertise is tailored to your unique challenges and goals. Your AI journey with Marc is guided by competence, personal insight, and a genuine desire to see your business thrive.

By the way, Marc is also a passionate musician, playing piano and electric bass guitar.

Read Marc’s book on AI

The Human’s Handbook to Artificial Intelligence

Curious about AI but find it all a bit mystifying? Dive into ‘The Human’s Handbook to Artificial Intelligence: From Basics to Ethics with ChatGPT,’ a unique collaboration between myself, Marc Mennigmann, and the AI system ChatGPT. Born from a late-night conversation, this book demystifies AI, explaining how it works and its ethical considerations. Whether you’re just starting on your AI journey or looking to deepen your understanding, this accessible guide, filled with easy examples and insights, is a valuable companion. Discover the potential of AI, not just as a technology but as a transformative force in our lives.
You can find it on Apple Books, Amazon and Kobo or purchase a downloadable PDF below.

Pricing: Flexible Solutions Tailored to Your Unique Needs

Every journey with AI is unique. Your needs might be as simple as a weekly Zoom call for guidance or as involved as an on-site visit to your company to deeply understand processes and initiate changes. The scale of the process can vary widely, from a small nudge in the right direction to a comprehensive overhaul that spans many areas of optimization. But don’t worry; we can take it step by step. My consultation services are offered at an hourly or daily rate, depending on what makes sense for you. Naturally, costs will differ if we’re chatting over video or if I’m working with you on location for several days. Let’s start with a free 30-minute phone call or video chat to figure out exactly what you need and maybe even draft an initial roadmap. Just send me an email, and we’ll schedule a time that works for you. With Innovisar, it’s all about finding the right fit for your unique situation.

Start Your AI Journey with Innovisar Today

Interested in what AI could do for you? Curious about what AI can do for you? Whether you’re just starting to explore or have specific questions, I’m here to talk. At Innovisar, it’s all about finding the right AI solutions for you, and that begins with a conversation. No question is too small, no idea too big. Just reach out, and we’ll take that first step together. You don’t have to navigate the world of AI alone; I’m here to guide you. Let’s connect and start exploring what’s possible. Your AI journey with Innovisar begins here.

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